
By Dr. Janet Jaffe about reproductive medicine, trauma, and treatment.

Reproductive Trauma: Essential Tools for Infertility, Pregnancy Loss, Birth Trauma, and Perinatal Mental Health Disorders
Reproductive Trauma: Psychotherapy With Infertility and Pregnancy Loss Clients Kindle Edition
Unsung Lullibies


Unsung Lullabies: Understanding and Coping with Infertility (2005), a book geared for the general public, with Drs. Martha and David Diamond.

Reproductive Trauma: Psychotherapy with Infertility and Pregnancy Loss Clients, 1st Edition (2011), with Martha Diamond, a text written for professionals working in the field. Now available in e-book format!

Reproductive Trauma: Psychotherapy with Clients Experiencing Infertility and Pregnancy Loss, 2nd edition (May, 2024). This updated edition gives mental health professionals, physicians, nurses, pastors and others working in the field, the tools they need to treat patients. In addition, it offers guidance for clinicians to process their own reproductive stories, with awareness of the interaction of their own reproductive experiences with that of clients. Focusing on updates in reproductive medicine – including cryopreservation, third-party reproduction, and advances in genetic testing – and the ethical implications and impact on patients, the 2nd Edition offers new, more diverse case studies to include the LGBTQ+ community and single parents by choice.  AVAILABLE NOW

In the works: Coping with the Unimaginable Grief of Pregnancy Loss: This Can’t be Happening! This book is written for patients and their families (although no doubt others working in the field would benefit from reading it). Written in a personable, supportive and caring manner, it leaves psychological jargon behind, and is meant to serve as a companion to someone yearning for understanding in those long hours – perhaps in the middle of the night – of feeling isolated in one’s grief. Publication date is anticipated in May 2025

Sought out by major editors, Dr. Jaffe has contributed several chapters to books as well as journal articles regarding fertility counseling and women’s health.  Here are some chapters and articles of note:

“Reproductive Trauma and PTSD: On the Battlefield of Fertility Counseling” In Fertility Counseling edited by S. Covington

“Walking the Tightrope: The Pregnant Fertility Counselor” with Laura Covington, In Fertility Counseling edited by S. Covington

“Detours on the Fertility Journey” Lead article in special edition: Reproductive Dreams: When Fertility Becomes a Challenge” In Psychotherapy Networker

“Trauma and the Reproductive Story” In Psychotherapy

“Reproductive Trauma: Psychotherapy for Pregnancy Loss and Infertility Clients from a Reproductive Story Perspective” In Psychotherapy edited by R. Markin

“The View from the Fertility Counselor’s Chair” In Fertility Counseling: Clinical Guide and Case Studies edited by S. Covington

“The Reproductive Story: Dealing with Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Other Perinatal Demise” In Women’s Reproductive Mental Health Across the Lifespan edited by D. Barnes.


Reproductive Trauma: Essential Tools for Infertility, Pregnancy Loss, Birth Trauma, and Perinatal Mental Health Disorders,” PESI Continuing Education Workshop, Ongoing monthly workshops June 2023-Current.

Jaffe, J. (2023). Reproductive Trauma and PTSD: On the Battlefield of Fertility Counseling. In: Covington, S. ed., Fertility Counseling: Clinical Guide, Cambridge University Press, 204-211.

Jaffe, J. (2023). Reproductive Trauma and PTSD: On the Battlefield of Fertility Counseling. In: Covington, S. ed., Fertility Counseling: Case Studies, Cambridge University Press, 109-113.

Covington, L., & Jaffe, J. (2023). Walking the Tightrope: The Pregnant Fertility Counselor. . In: Covington, S. ed., Fertility Counseling: Clinical Guide, Cambridge University Press, 245- 253.

Covington, L., & Jaffe, J. (2023). Walking the Tightrope: The Pregnant Fertility Counselor. . In: Covington, S. ed., Fertility Counseling: Case Studies, Cambridge University Press, 130-136.

Jaffe, J. (2020). Detours on the Fertility Journey. Lead Article in special edition “Reproductive Dreams: When Fertility Becomes a Challenge.” In Psychotherapy Networker.

Jaffe, J. (2020). Interview: National Public Radio, Take Two

“The Trauma of Infertility and Pregnancy Loss: Helping Our Patients Heal” American Society for Reproductive Medicine Annual Convention, Philadelphia, 2019.

Jaffe, J. (2019). Trauma and the Reproductive Story. Article in Psychotherapy,

Jaffe, J. (2017). Reproductive Trauma: Psychotherapy for Pregnancy Loss and Infertility Clients from a Reproductive Story Perspective. In: Markin, R. ed., Psychotherapy.

“Self-disclosure, Biases, and Other Clinical Dilemmas in Treating Fertility Patients,” American Society for Reproductive Medicine Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, 2016.

“Psychological Effects of Assisted Reproductive Technology: When Making a Baby the Old-Fashioned Way Doesn’t Work,” Symposium Workshop, American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Denver, 2016.

“Psychological Effects of Assisted Reproductive Technology: When Making a Baby the Old-Fashioned Way Doesn’t Work,” California Psychological Association Convention, Irvine, 2016.

Jaffe, J. (2015). The View from the Fertility Counselor’s Chair. In: Covington, S., ed., Fertility Counseling: Clinical Guide and Case Studies. Cambridge University Press. 239-251.

Jaffe, J. (2014). The Reproductive Story: Dealing with Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Other Perinatal Demise. In: Barnes, D. ed., Women’s Reproductive Mental Health Across the Lifespan. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 159-176.

Jaffe, J. & Diamond, M. (2011). Reproductive Trauma: Psychotherapy with Infertility and Pregnancy Loss Clients. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

“Infertility and Pregnancy Loss: Getting Your Patients the Emotional Help They Need,” co-coordinator and speaker, University of California, San Diego, CA, 2010.

“Rituals, Expectations, Cultural Influences and Gender Differences in Grieving a Perinatal Loss,” American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 2009.

“Grieving Infertility and Reproductive Loss,” San Diego Psychological Association Fall Conference, San Diego, CA, 2009.

“Infertility: The Psychological Impact of Medical Treatment,” Panel presentation at the California Psychological Association Convention, Anaheim, CA, 2008.

“Coping as a Couple,” RESOLVE Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 2008.

Jaffe, J. (2008). Giving Up Your Biological Connection: What It Means to Use a Donor. RESOLVE Newsletter, Southeast Region, reprinted with permission from

“How Infertility Affects Our Clients” and “Adopting After Infertility,” Adoption Alliance of Southern California Annual Conference, San Diego, 2008.

“The Emotional Experience of the Medical Treatment of Infertility,” paper and panel discussion, CPA Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA, 2008.

“The Postpartum Period: Definitions, Theory & Treatment,” paper presentation and intern training, Aurora Hospital, San Diego, 2008.

Jaffe, J. Diamond, M.O., & Diamond, D. (2007). Unsung Lullabies: Understanding and Coping with Infertility. Japanese Edition, Japan: The English Agency.

“Coping as a Couple,” RESOLVE Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 2007.

Interview for The Psychjourney Book Club,, 2006.

“Coping with the Loss of Your Baby,” Empty Cradle, San Diego, CA, 2006.

“Never Say ‘Just Relax’: A Therapist’s Guide to Infertility and Reproductive Loss,” Continuing Education Course presented at SDPA, 2006.

“Reproductive Trauma,” presentation and training for Social Workers at Mary Birch Hospital, 2006.

Jaffe, J., Diamond, M. & Diamond, D (2005). Unsung Lullabies: Understanding and coping with infertility. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Diamond, D. J., Diamond, M., & Jaffe, J. (2005) The Psychology of Reproductive Traumas. Abstract in Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Diamond, D. J., Diamond, M., & Jaffe, J. (2005, submitted by invitation) The Psychology of Reproductive Traumas: Infertility and Pregnancy Loss. Fertility and Sterility.

“The Effects of Infertility on Couples.” Paper presented at APA Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., 2005.

“Coping with Infertility,” Keynote Speaker, RESOLVE Annual Conference, Boston, MA, 2005.

“Coping with Infertility,” Keynote Speaker, RESOLVE Annual Conference, Newark, NJ, 2005.

“Grieving the Losses of Infertility,” RESOLVE Annual Conference, Oakland, CA, 2005.

“Disruptions in the transition to parenthood: The effects of infertility and other reproductive traumas on couples.” Panel presentation at the CPA Annual Convention, San Diego, CA, 2004.

Diamond, D., Diamond, M., & Jaffe, J. (2001) Infertility, miscarriage, and premature birth: Conceptual overview and practical approaches. Paper & panel presented at National Assoc. of Perinatal Social Workers Annual Convention, San Diego, CA, May, 2001.

Diamond, D., Diamond, M. & Jaffe, J. (1999) Infertility, pregnancy loss, and other reproductive traumas: A developmental perspective. The San Diego Psychological Association Newsletter, 8(2), 1-3.

“Infertility and Pregnancy Loss: A Developmental Perspective.” Panel Presentation at California Psychological Association Annual Convention, March, 1999.

“Postpartum Depression: A Biopsychosocial Model for Understanding Postpartum Mood Disorders.” Panel presentation at California Psychological Association Annual Convention, March, 1999.

“Parenthood as a Developmental Stage.” Paper presented at UCSD Department of Psychiatry and San Diego Postpartum Health Alliance Conference, Postpartum Adjustment and Mood Disorders: Assessment and Treatment, February, 1999.

“The Concept of Reproductive Trauma: Developmental and Family Crisis.” Panel presentation at American Psychological Association, Division 39, Mid-Winter Conference, February, 1998.